Is intelligence an inherited phenomenon?

Intelligence is approximately 85% to 90% hereditary.

Adapting to the environment, understanding the superficial relationships between objects, utilizing the relationships among objects, and their interactions can provide a better definition of intelligence.

The level of individuals’ intelligence is assessed and ranked through intelligence tests; most people have an IQ between 80 and 110, which is considered normal. Individuals with a score below 70 are classified as having low intelligence, while those with scores above 130 are considered intelligent. Additionally, individuals with high intelligence score above 150, and the higher the scores, the more genius the individual is deemed to be.

A person’s intelligence quotient remains stable from birth and does not change except under specific conditions and events.

Globally, the highest average IQ is attributed to the Asian race.

Animals possess two types of intelligence: practical intelligence and theoretical intelligence. Theoretical intelligence is relatively present in some animals, such as parrots, dogs, dolphins, and monkeys, but humans possess complete theoretical intelligence.

Having a very high IQ can also lead to difficulties. To have a peaceful life, it’s important to focus on different aspects of the mind and utilize all its capacities. Many people struggle to fully harness their intelligence due to the disarray of various issues in their minds and the lack of mental categorization. To ensure the proper functioning of the brain and intelligence, it is essential to eliminate disruptive factors such as anger, hatred, and anxiety from your mental space, as these elements draw your energy and weaken your mental power, impairing your analytical and evaluative abilities. In general, every human has four main types of intelligence, with other types of intelligence being subsets of these. For optimal mental performance, the main types of intelligence should be balanced like the four sides of a square.


Four types of intelligence:


Physical Intelligence


Intellectual Intelligence


Emotional Intelligence


Spiritual Intelligence

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